Personal Data

Name: Huei Chu Weng  翁輝竹

Sex: male

Birthplace: Tainan,

Interests: Smart Nanomaterial Science,

            Micro/Nanoscale Thermal-Fluid Science,

            Power and Energy Science

Courses: Fluid Mechanics,

            Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer,

            Theory Appl. Nanofluids,

            Energy Conservation Inn. Design and Implementation  //Complete List//

Office: 513 of Engineering Building, CYCU

Tel.: +886-3-2654311

Fax: +886-3-2654399



This website describes our research in thermal-fluid and energy science and its latest development. Hope you'll find some relevant information. We also welcome you to join us!

Present Position

       Professor & ChairmanDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University

       Chairman, Chinese Society of Visualization Science and Art (CSVSA) (2024.1.1 - present)

       Vice Chairman, International Society of Mechatronic Engineering (iSME) (2024.1.1 - present)

       Director, Heat and Mass Transfer Society of Taiwan (HMTST) (2018.12.3 - present)

       Director, Society of Fluid Dynamics, Taiwan (TSFD) (2021.10.23 - present)

       Director, Taiwan Society of Intelligent Instrument Inventions (TWSIII) (2016.3.12 - present)

       Director, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME- Taipei Chapter) (2021.1.2 - present)


Academic Degrees

       Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 2001.9 - 2006.7

       M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 1999.9 - 2001.6

       B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 1995.9 - 1999.6


Administrative Experiences

       Director, Office for Teaching and Learning Excellent, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2015.10 - 2017.6


Professional Experiences

       Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2013.8 - 2019.7

       Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2009.2 - 2013.7

       Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 2008.6 - 2009.1


Awards/Honors  //Complete List//

       Full Member, Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society (2024.1)

       Distinguished Teaching Award, Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (2023.5)

       Service Award, International Society of Mechatronic Engineering (2022.4)

       Excellent Professional Technical Training Course Award, Ministry of Education (2021.11)

       Outstanding Excellent Career Program Leader Award, Chung Yuan Christian University (2018.10)

       Excellent Invention Patent Award, Chung Yuan Christian University (2016.12)

       Excellent Tutoring Award, Chung Yuan Christian University (2016.10)

       Outstanding Excellent Teaching Award, Chung Yuan Christian University (2015.6)

       Distinguished Young Engineering Professor Award, Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers (2014.12)



       ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers

             (Grade: Member; No: 95*****; 2007.11.6 - present)

       CSME: Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers

             (Grade: Lifetime Member; No: 16969; 2007.9.26 - present)

       CSVSA: Chinese Society of Visualization Science and Art

             (Grade: Lifetime Member; No: P003; 2015.11.13 - present)

       HMTST: Heat and Mass Transfer Society of Taiwan

             (Grade: Lifetime Member; No: P012; 2016.12.3 - present)

       TSFD: Society of Fluid Dynamics, Taiwan

             (Grade: Lifetime Member; No: P036; 2021.10.23 - present)

       iSME: International Society of Mechatronic Engineering

             (Grade: Lifetime Member; No: P0026; 2016.2.5 - present)

       STAM: Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

             (Grade: Lifetime Member; No: P1259; 2007.11.29 - present)

       TWSIII: Taiwan Society of Intelligent Instrument Inventions

             (Grade: Lifetime Member; No: P03; 2016.1.21 - present)

       TWEA: Taiwan Wind Energy Association

             (Grade: Individual Member; No: P154; 2011.12.3 - 2017.12.2)


Academic Services

       Journal Editor:

             Smart Science (2018.1 - present; Section EB Member) //evid//

             Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers (2010.3 - present; EB Member) //evid//

             Advances in Mathematical Physics (2014.6 - 2015.4; Lead Guest Editor)

             Applied Sciences-Basel (2015.7 - 2017.5; Guest Editor)

       Conference Chair:

             Forum on Visualization Science and Art, Taoyuan, Taiwan (2023.12; CEO) //evid//

             國際製造工程研討會暨產業論壇, Taoyuan, Taiwan (2022.11; CEO) //evid//

             台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, Taoyuan, Taiwan (2021.5; CEO) //evid//

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2020.10; Co-Chair) //evid//

             Japan-Taiwan International Conference on Magnetic Fluids, Yokohama, Japan (2018.11; Co-Chair) //evid//

             Taiwan-Japan International Conference on Magnetic Fluids, Tainan, Taiwan (2017.12; Chair)

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Nantou, Taiwan (2017.9; Chair)

             Japan-Taiwan Conference on Magnetic Fluids, Hokkaido, Japan (2016.12; Co-Chair)

       Conference Committeeman:

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Taichung, Taiwan (2023.12; Scientific and Paper Review Committee Member) //evid//

             中國機械工程學會學術研討會, Changhua, Taiwan (2023.12; Organizing Committee Member) //evid//

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Swissôtel Bangkok Ratchada, Thailand (2023.8; Scientific Committee Member) //evid//

             台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2023.4; Advisory Committee Member) //evid//

             中國機械工程學會學術研討會, Miaoli, Taiwan (2022.12; Organizing Committee Member) //evid//

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Penghu, Taiwan (2022.7; Scientific Committee Member) //evid//

             台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, Changhua, Taiwan (2022.4; Advisory Committee Member) //evid//

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Tainan, Taiwan (2021.10; Scientific and Paper Review Committee Member) //evid//

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Hualien, Taiwan (2021.10; Scientific Committee Member) //evid//

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Kinmen, Taiwan (2020.11; Scientific Committee Member)

             Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, New Taipei, Taiwan (2019.11; Local Organizing Committee Member)

             Asia-Pacific Thermofluid Science & Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (2019.10; Organizing Committee Member)

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Shizuoka, Japan (2019.7; Scientific Committee Member)

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan (2018.10; Organizing Committee Member) //evid//

             International Stirling Engine Conference, Tainan, Taiwan (2018.9; Local Organizing Committee Member)

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Chiang Mai, Thailand (2018.7; Scientific Committee Member)

             International Conference on Smart Science, Kyoto, Japan (2018.3; Scientific Committee Member) //evid//

             International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Napoli, Italy (2017.5; Organizing Scientific Committee Member)

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Kenting, Taiwan (2016.10; Workshop Committee Member)

             International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering, Kenting, Taiwan (2016.10; Technical Committee Member)

             International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering, Nantou, Taiwan (2015.11; Technical Committee Chairmen)

             International Conference on Frontiers in Mathematics, Assam, India (2015.03; International Adviser)

       Conference Keynote Speech Chair:

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Tainan, Taiwan (2021.11) //evid//

             International Conference on Mechanics, Yilan, Taiwan (2018.10)

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Kenting, Taiwan (2016.10)

             International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering, Nantou, Taiwan (2015.11)

       Conference Invited Speech Chair:

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2020.10)

             International Conference on Mechanics, Yilan, Taiwan (2018.10)

             International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan (2017.11)

             Micro & Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Kenting, Taiwan (2016.10)

       Conference Oral/Poster Session Chair:

             中國機械工程學會學術研討會, Changhua, Taiwan (2023.12)

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Swissôtel Bangkok Ratchada, Thailand (2023.8)

             中國機械工程學會學術研討會, Miaoli, Taiwan (2022.12) //evid//

             Asia-Pacific Thermofluid Science & Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (2019.10)

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Shizuoka, Japan (2019.7)

             International Conference on Mechanics, Yilan, Taiwan (2018.10)

             International Stirling Engine Conference, Tainan, Taiwan (2018.9)

             International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environmental Engineering, Chiang Mai, Thailand (2018.7)

             International Conference on Smart Science, Kyoto, Japan (2018.3)

             International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan (2017.11)

             National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2016.12)

             International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering, Kenting, Taiwan (2016.10)

             International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering, Nantou, Taiwan (2015.11)

             International Conference of Multi-Disciplines of Engineering on Advanced Technology and Environmentalism Design, Tainan, Taiwan (2014.10)

             National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, ILan, Taiwan (2013.12)

             Japan-Taiwan International Conference on Magnetic Fluid, Kyoto, Japan (2012.11)

             Japan-Taiwan Conference on Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications, Taichung, Taiwan (2011.11)

             National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tainan, Taiwan (2011.11)

             International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, Tainan, Taiwan (2010.5)


Invited Lectures

       翁輝竹, 2023, “大學人才培育特色與能力取向尺規之設計與運用”國立中央大學大學招生專業化研習會, 桃園, 台灣, 十二月.

       翁輝竹, 2023, “風光綠電微電網儲能系統”國立勤益科技大學一一二學年度第一學期溫室氣體盤查與節能減碳專業講座, 台中, 台灣, 十一月.

       翁輝竹, 2023, “新工程人才培育與產學合作模式交流與分享,”明志科技大學工程學院專題講座, 新北, 台灣, 五月.

       翁輝竹, 2023, “電力及能源科學–風光綠能發電系統,”中原大學-環境工程學系"環境工程概論"課程, 桃園, 台灣, 一月.

       翁輝竹, 2021, “熱流與能源–熱點挑戰,”新世代住商與工業節能研究中心"2021能源技術講座", 台北, 台灣, 十一月. //evid//

       翁輝竹, 2018, “奈米材料與結構之熱流研究與應用發展,”臺灣師範大學光電科技研究所, 台北, 台灣, 十二月.

       翁輝竹, 2018, “微奈米尺度熱流及能源–研究與應用發展,”國防大學理工學院機械及航太工程學系"專題討論"課程, 桃園, 台灣, 三月.

       翁輝竹, 2014, “電力及能源科學–風能的應用發展,”國立勤益科技大學一○三學年度第一學期精密製造科技研究所"專題討論"課程, 台中, 台灣, 十一月.

       翁輝竹, 2014, “微奈米尺度熱流及能源的研究與應用發展,”台北科技大學一○三學年度第一學期自動化科技研究所"專題討論"課程, 台北, 台灣, 十一月.

       翁輝竹, 2014, “智慧型奈米材料科學–磁流體的研究與應用發展,”台南大學一○二學年度第二學期機電系統工程研究所"專題演講"課程, 台南, 台灣, 四月.

       翁輝竹, 2013, “智慧型奈米流體–能源科學與技術,”明道大學一○二學年度第一學期光電暨能源工程學系"專題演講"課程, 彰化, 台灣, 十二月.

       翁輝竹, 2013, “磁性奈米流體–研究與應用發展,”中央大學一○一學年度第二學期機械工程學系"專題演講"課程, 中壢, 台灣, 六月.

       翁輝竹, 2012, “風力發電機設計與性能分析,”中原大學一○一學年度第一學期工學院"綠色科技講座"課程, 中壢, 台灣, 十二月.

       翁輝竹, 2012, “熱流暨能源科學–奈米流體的應用,” 大華科技大學一○一學年度第一學期機電工程系"工程實務講座"課程, 新竹, 台灣, 十 一月.

       翁輝竹, 2009, “燃料電池–原理與運用展望,”中原大學九十七學年度第二學期機械工程學系"綠色能源系統設計應用"課程, 中壢, 台灣, 四月.

       翁輝竹, 2008, “智慧型奈米材料科學–磁流體的發展,”成功大學九十七學年度第一學期航空太空工程學系"專題演講"課程, 台北, 台灣, 十一月.

       Weng, H. C., 2018, “Particle effects on magnetic fluid flow and heat transfer at the microscale,”Japan-Taiwan International Conference on Magnetic Fluids 2018, Yokohama, Japan, November. //evid//

       Weng, H. C., 2018, “Rheological properties and vibration damping effects of magnetic fluids,the 2nd International Conference on Mechanics, Yilan, Taiwan, October.

       Weng, H. C., 2017, “Magnetically controllable fluid flow and heat transfer problems in continuum mechanics at the micro/nanoscale,Taiwan-Japan International Conference on Magnetic Fluids 2017, Tainan, Taiwan, December.

       Weng, H. C., 2017, “Influence of magnetic forces on pool boiling heat transfer of magnetic fluids,” the 14th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, November.

       Weng, H. C., 2016, “Speaker voice coil cooling using magnetic nanofluids, Japan-Taiwan International Conference on Magnetic Fluids 2016, Hokkaido, Japan, December.

       Weng, H. C., 2015, “Hydrodynamic modeling of targeted magnetic-particle delivery in a blood microvessel,”Workshop on Magnetic-fluids and Magnetic Particle Imaging 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, November.

       Weng, H. C., 2015, “Liquid and gas flow and heat transfer problems in continuum mechanics at the micro/nanoscale, the 2nd Micro/nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July.

       Weng, H. C., 2015, “Mathematical problems in continuum mechanics at the mico/nanoscale, 2015 International Conference on Frontiers in Mathematics, Guwahati, India, March.

       Weng, H. C., 2014, “Rarefied gas flow and heat transfer at continuum scales, 2014 International Workshop on Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Energy, Tainan, Taiwan, October.

       Weng, H. C., 2012, “Measurement of the pendant drop surface tension of magnetic fluids, 2012 Japan-Taiwan International Conference on Magnetic Fluid, Kyoto, Japan, November.

       Weng, H. C., 2011, “Hydrodynamic modeling of magnetically targeted drug delivery, 2011 Japan-Taiwan Conference on Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications, Taichung, Taiwan, November.

       Weng, H. C., 2004, “Criteria for sustainable energy technology,” the 19th WEC (World Energy Council) Youth Symposium, Sydney, Australia, September.


Research Projects

       Evaluation of power generation and impact analysis of installing small-scale wind turbines in onshore wind farms (National Science and Technology Council - NSTC 113-2221-E-033-043-; Project Leader), 2024.8 - 2025.7

       Talent Cultivation Union Center Project for Smart Grid, Hydrogen Energy, and Energy Storage 2024 (Ministry of Education; Project Leader), 2024.2 - 2025.1

       Fundamental investigation on magnetowetting behavior of magnetic fluid droplets on superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces (National Science and Technology Council - NSTC 112-2221-E-033-027-; Project Leader), 2023.8 - 2024.7

       Development of fan energy saving and noise reduction technology III (Chung Yuan Christian University -  University-Industry Collaboration Project; Project Leader), 2023.8 - 2024.7

       Application of surface modification technology for performance improvement of dehumidification systems (Industrial Technology Research Institute - N301ARH700; Project Leader), 2023.4 - 2023.10

       Talent Cultivation Union Center Project for Smart Grid and Energy Storage 2023 (Ministry of Education; Project Leader), 2023.2 - 2024.1

       Test on a cooling system containing a modified fin heat sink model (Chung Yuan Christian University -  University-Industry Collaboration Project; Project Leader), 2022.9 - 2022.10

       Bionic design and experimental study of the blades of a horizontal axis wind turbine using biological airfoil (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 111-2221-E-033-037-; Project Leader), 2022.8 - 2023.7

       Development of fan energy saving and noise reduction technology II (Chung Yuan Christian University -  University-Industry Collaboration Project; Project Leader), 2022.8 - 2023.7

       Talent Cultivation Union Center Project for Smart Grid and Energy Storage 2022 (Ministry of Education; Project Leader), 2022.5 - 2023.1

       Design and construction of a network communication cooling test system (Chung Yuan Christian University -  University-Industry Collaboration Project; Project Leader), 2022.2 - 2022.7

       Research on the pool boiling heat transfer of magnetic fluids with different particle sizes prepared by chemical co-precipitation technique on AAO nanostructure surfaces (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 110-2221-E-033-017-; Project Leader), 2021.8 - 2022.7

       Development of technology for improving the aerodynamic performance of UAV propellers I (Chung Yuan Christian University - University-Industry Collaboration Project; Project Leader), 2021.8 - 2022.7

       Investigation of nanoparticle effects on microscale magnetogasdynamic flow and heat transfer (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 109-2221-E-033-026-; Project Leader), 2020.8 - 2021.7

       Development of fan energy saving and noise reduction technology I (Chung Yuan Christian University -  University-Industry Collaboration Project; Project Leader), 2020.8 - 2021.7

       Regional Energy-Conservation Promotion Center for Taoyuan-Xinzhu-Miaoli (109-110) (Ministry of Education; Project Leader), 2020.2 - 2022.1

       International Cooperation for the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Wind Power Prediction and Operational Strategies (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 108-3116-F-042A-006-; Project Co-leader), 2019.9 - 2020.12

       Research on rarefied gas flow in AAO nanotubes (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 108-2221-E-033-014-; Project Leader), 2019.8 - 2020.7

       Topic-based Courses: Intelligent precision mold design and manufacturing & Intelligent automation electromechanical integration (Ministry of Education; Project Leader), 2019.6 - 2021.2

       Research on the velocity uniformity of water flow mesh system (Chung Yuan Christian University -  University-Industry Collaboration Project; Project Leader), 2018.10 - 2019.3

       Research on the interfacial properties of magnetic fluids with different particle sizes prepared by chemical co-precipitation technique using sessile droplet method on AAO surface (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 107-2221-E-033-047-; Project Leader), 2018.8 - 2019.7

       Regional Energy-Conservation Promotion Center for Taoyuan-Xinzhu-Miaoli (I) (Ministry of Education; Project Partner-University Leader), 2018.7 - 2020.1

       Investigation of nanoparticle effects on microscale gas flow and heat transfer (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 106-2221-E-033-040-; Project Leader), 2017.8 - 2018.7

       Investigation of the Cheerios effect controlled by magnetowetting of magnetic nanofluids (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 105-2221-E-033-029-; Project Leader), 2016.8 - 2017.7

       Investigation of couple-stress effects on microflow of magnetic nanofluids (Ministry of Science and Technology - MOST 104-2221-E-033-045-; Project Leader), 2015.8 - 2016.7

       Research on non-Newtonian microflow of magnetic nanofluids (Chung Yuan Christian University - 107011071~107011072; Project Leader), 2014.9 - 2015.7

       Research on the performance of a double-current turbine system (Chung Yuan Christian University -  University-Industry Collaboration Project; Project Leader), 2014.4 - 2015.3

       Microscale thermal-fluid science–Basic research on magnetogasdynamics (National Science Council - MOST 102-2221-E-033-025-; Project Leader), 2013.8 - 2014.7

       Design and analysis of a wind-turbine test system (Ministry of Education; Project Co-leader), 2013.1 - 2013.12

       Research on lubrication characteristics of magnetofluidic bearings (National Science Council - NSC 101-2221-E-033-018-; Project Leader), 2012.8 - 2013.7

       Design and analysis of a wind-turbine test system (Ministry of Education; Project Co-leader), 2012.1 - 2012.12

       Synthesis and properties of magnetic fluids for hydrostatic bearings (National Science Council - NSC 100-2221-E-033-040-; Project Leader), 2011.8 - 2012.7

       Design and analysis of a wind-turbine test system (Ministry of Education; Project Co-leader), 2011.2 - 2011.12

       Research on second-order rarefied gas dynamics (Chung Yuan Christian University - 107011061~107011062; Project Leader), 2010.9 - 2011.7

       Smart nanomaterial science–Basic research on magnetic fluid dynamics (National Science Council - NSC 98-2218-E-033 -003 -; Project Leader), 2009.8 - 2010.7

       Fundamental research on interfacial properties of magnetic nanofluids (National Science Council - NSC 98-2221-E-006 -209 -MY2; Team Members), 2009.8 - 2011.7