流體力學 [Fluid Mechanics]  暑期課程 (summer session)

 熱力學(一) [Thermodynamics (1)]  暑期課程 (summer session)

 熱力學(二) [Thermodynamics (2)]

 熱傳學 [Heat Transfer]

 計算機概論 [Introd. Comput. Sci.]

 機械工程概論 [Introd. Mech. Eng.]

 程式語言MATLAB [Matlab]

 流體力學導論 [Introduction of Fluid Mechanics]

 熱對流 [Convective Heat Transfer]

 奈米流體理論與應用 [Theory Appl. Nanofluids]




 簡育欽 Yu-Chin Chien  (工學館 5樓522室; ext. 4331)   


 近年來隨著奈米科技的蓬勃發展與日新月異,奈米流體的研究逐漸為人所重視。由於奈米粒子的分散與粒子材料的改質,奈米流體呈現一種全新的光、電、磁、熱及力學等行為。本課程除了說明奈米流體的構成、 製備和性質外,對奈米流體在力學和相關應用也有深入的探討。期使學生們藉由本課程的內容,了解到奈米流體的價值和未來發展性,離開學校更可應用所學到相關領域,以提升國內奈米材料科學的研發和應用能力。
 Nanotechnology is the science and technology of things with at least one characteristic dimension at the nanoscale. The opportunities for its application promise that nanotechnology will become one of the dominant sciences and technologies of the 21st century. A nanofluid is a fluid containing suspended nanoparticles. This course is intended to serve as an introduction to its theory and applications. It is oriented toward learning its fundamental principles and how to apply them in practice. Hope students are able to understand the value and future development potential of nanofluids with the help of this course, thus enhancing the research and application capabilities of domestic nanotechnology.


 學期報告 25%
   口頭 15% (3~5人一組,每組10 min)
   書面 10% (格式不符 -2/5 、延遲繳交 -2/5、無故缺交 -5/5;再依報告內容評量分數)
學期考試 30%
 平時考核 45%
    出席 25% (遲到早退 -1/5、因假缺課(公假除外) -2/5 、不假曠課 -5/5)
    作業 15%
(A4紙張、2頁以上須裝訂;格式不符 -2/5、延遲繳交 -2/5、無故缺交 -5/5;再依作業內容評量分數)
    互動 5% (基本1%;再依學生積極性、努力度及上課狀況評量分數)




 Hornyak, G. L.; Tibbals, H. F.; Dutta, J. & Moore, J. J. (2008). Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology, CRC.
 Vollath, D. (2008). Nanomaterials: an introduction to synthesis, properties and application, Wiley-VCH.
 Varadan, V. K.; Chen, L. & Xie, J. (2008). Nanomedicine: design and applications of magnetic nanomaterials, nanosensors, John Wiley and Sons.
 Schramm, L. L. (2008). Dictionary of nanotechnology, colloid and interface science, Wiley-VCH.




 ˙抽血就可檢測阿茲海默症  //自由時報2015-04-03//



 風力機系統設計與分析 [Des. Anal. Wind Turbine Systems]

 微分方程數值解 [Numer. Sol. Diff. Equat.]

 書報討論 [Seminar]

 應用專題實作(一) [Application Topics Workshop (1)]

 應用專題實作(二) [Application Topics Workshop (2)]