流體力學 [Fluid Mechanics]  暑期課程 (summer session)

 熱力學(一) [Thermodynamics (1)]  暑期課程 (summer session)


This course is intended to serve as an introduction to the basic concepts and definitions in thermodynamics. It is oriented toward knowing where to apply them. Hope students are able to understand the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics with the help of this course, so as to apply what they have learned to various fields, thus training up young talent in domestic thermal-fluid science.


期中考試 30%
 期末考試 40%
 平時考核 30%
    出席 15% (遲到早退 -1/5、因假缺課(公假除外) -2/5 、不假曠課 -5/5)
    作業 10% (格式:A4紙張、2頁以上須裝訂;格式不符 -2/5、延遲繳交 -2/5、無故缺交 -5/5;再依作業內容評量分數)
    互動 5% (基本1%;再依學生積極性、努力度及上課狀況評量分數)


 Cengel, Yunus A. and Boles, Michael A., 2015, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach,
     McGraw-Hill, 8th edition in SI Units




01-43.  57 kPa
01-47.  48.89 kPa
01-60.  0.6 m; 8.16 m
01-63.  above; 102 kPa
01-85.  1 m
02-11.  0.05 kJ/kg; 1767.09 kW
02-15.  0.88713 kJ/kg; 443.57 MW
02-27.  0.0175 kJ
02-60.  76.0%; 80.0%; 1964 kW
02-69.  91.75%
03-06.  (略)
03-16.  (略)
03-23.  (略)
03-27.  (a) 90.4 kPa; (b) 0.0205 m3; (c) 17.4 kJ/kg
03-53.  (a) (略); (b) 151.83°C; (c) -0.14222 m3
03-60.  (略)
03-78.  (a) 0.09533 m3/kg; (b) 0.09161 m3/kg; (c) 0.09196 m3/kg
04-03.  433.3 K; 173.3 K; 540 kJ
04-11.  12.9 kJ
04-51.  (a) 6194 kJ/kg; (b) 6233 kJ/kg; (c) 6110 kJ/kg
04-61.  831 s
04-78.  409 kW
05-30. (a) 314.3 K; (b) 75.3 m/s
05-47. 872 kW
05-79. (a) 484 kW; (b) 99.2°C


 ˙壓力錶受壓後如何運作?  //YouTube 2013-03-28//
 ˙氣/液壓千斤頂運作原理?  //YouTube 2012-12-15//
 ˙DIY窮人冷氣機!寶特瓶卡厚紙板降溫  //YouTube 2016-06-12//
 ˙熱機 -- Magnetic Fluid Sealing Piston-Cylinder Heat Engine   //YouTube 2015-05-02//
 ˙熱機--Water-Cooled Solar Power Electric Generator  //YouTube 2009-01-14//
 ˙熱機現象--熱共振效應  //YouTube 2012-04-09//   //製作//

 熱力學(二) [Thermodynamics (2)]

 熱傳學 [Heat Transfer]

 計算機概論 [Introd. Comput. Sci.]

 機械工程概論 [Introd. Mech. Eng.]

 程式語言MATLAB [Matlab]

 流體力學導論 [Introduction of Fluid Mechanics]

 熱對流 [Convective Heat Transfer]

 奈米流體理論與應用 [Theory Appl. Nanofluids]

 風力機系統設計與分析 [Des. Anal. Wind Turbine Systems]

 微分方程數值解 [Numer. Sol. Diff. Equat.]

 書報討論 [Seminar]

 應用專題實作(一) [Application Topics Workshop (1)]

 應用專題實作(二) [Application Topics Workshop (2)]